Other Works
Bev has been working on a few miscellaneous items which you may find interesting.
Word List
This is a list of words which are often misused, misspelled, and/or misunderstood. Some of the words have an alternate spelling (in brackets) and some similar meanings. This list has been compiled as a guide for writing style and it has a bias. The reader is encouraged to look up the meaning of each word and arrive at an independent conclusion.
Click here to view the Word List.
If you would like to discuss the list or know of some words which should be added to the list, feel free to contact Bev.
Word List
This is a list of words which are often misused, misspelled, and/or misunderstood. Some of the words have an alternate spelling (in brackets) and some similar meanings. This list has been compiled as a guide for writing style and it has a bias. The reader is encouraged to look up the meaning of each word and arrive at an independent conclusion.
Click here to view the Word List.
If you would like to discuss the list or know of some words which should be added to the list, feel free to contact Bev.
To open this Word List you will need Adobe PDF Reader.